Living In Black Even The Day Has To Give Way To The Night
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Nobody - 원더걸스(Wonder Girls)

I am...
Someone who is Easy-Going, Sensative, Hyperactive & Cheerful. I like to joke around a lot, yet I can be serious when the situation arises.

Monday, December 22, 2008
Jinglin & I recently went to see the movie, Yes Man, by Jim Carrey. As I'm a BIG TIME FAN of his, I've enjoyed the show. I always somehow find some special meaning in his show, although it's always wacky in a way. Well, this time I the word "Yes" meaningful in another perspective...
See, in the show Jim's character was told to say "YES" to anything that comes his way. So, whenever an opportunity that pops by then he will always say "YES". However, he only got to find out in the end that he should only say "YES" to things that he wanted to.
See, we tend to give reasons/excuses/explanations to things that comes our way in life, only to turn that opportunity down. Be it that career, or relationship, or commitment, or adventure...etc. At the end of the day, we only manage to avoid, and then commented that "I wish I had....", rather than "I wish I could....".
I see many people around me (including myself) giving all sorts reasons not to do things, maybe it's time we do. A very good example will be, I don't like to read books. I only books I like are most probably Chinese Comic Books and Magazines like FHM & MAXIM...etc. Anyway, I had given tons of excuses not to read any thick text/story books. But now my MBA program actually needs me to have tons of reading, which I had never ever imagine before. And guessed what, I'm just gonna make it happen. And I will make that happen today. From now on, that will be 2hrs to 3hrs of self reading for me daily~!
The workload of a MBA program is crazy~! In these 3 months, I have to complete at least 2 course booklets, 2 study guides, 5 assignments ranging from 1000 to 3000 words each (2 individuals & 3 different groups), 1 extra readings & 1 extra readings online. Never ever had I ever done that kind of intensive reading and writing before~! Well Done, isn't it~? ^_^" Well, I will take up this challenge, and I will make it happen. In one and a half years time, it will all be over~! And by then, I will break it down for you on how I did it... Meanwhile stay tune my friends, take care ~

Posted by Stanley @ 11:05 AM

Saturday, December 06, 2008

說好的幸福呢 (MTV), By Jay Zhou


I personally like this Jay Zhou's song - Shuo Hao De Xing Fu Ne (說好的幸福呢 Meaning "Where's the loving & content future we talk about" or something like that.) Jay's fan, please pardon me if the translation is not 100% accurate. Anyway, personally Jay is not an idol of mine, don't really like the way he sings I guess. However, some of his songs are really nice to hear, if not most of his lyrics makes superb meaning in life, especially this one...


This song reminds me of the many times couples quarrel. See, many times when couples quarrel, they tend to say things which they don't really mean to say during the heat of the moment, for example, "Let's break-up" for instance. Normally that was said without proper thought...


It might be just some simple or stupid disagreement the couple have, but somehow it can lead to some disasterous outcome. I won't want to go into how it is developed, because there are just millions & billions of senarios, and also the fact that I'm just plain lazy. But... I'll like to say something else ~


During such similar senarios, when it reaches the part where one is about to utter out some painfully cruel words to the other, I want to freeze the moment and take a step back and walk down some memory lanes...


The first place we go is the beginning, where everything started; the time when they first met. What is it like? How does it feel? Is it fated to happen? Next, we shall visit how they got together. How is it like? What is said? Shall we ask why they decide to be together? Is there any promise(s) made? Will there be any time limit? Finally before we go back to the actual time, let's go see everything that has happened since the day they are together until now. Are there any memorable events that have taken place? Any more further commitents or promises agreed upon? Any quarrels or disagreements occured? How happy or/and sad are they when they are happy and/or sad? Are there any tears dropped? If yes, are they the happy or sad ones? And why the tears...? Is there even any regret...?


Now that we have all been through all their future, and by looking at the current situation, what are they thinking of currently? Have they forgotten everything from the past? Or is the current incident BIG enough to overwrite everything from the pass~? If it's not, will it be nessary to hurt the other person, or the relationship~? Are they prepared to accept the future it brings no matter what happens?


See, if only we can freeze time and do the time travel thingy as mentioned earlier, we will save a lot of unnessary time, not make the wrong choices, and thus not hurt any person(s) we care about, including ourselves...


With that, I shall end my entry and wish you readers with best regards in your love life. Love Right, Do The Right Thing ~

Posted by Stanley @ 10:37 PM

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I've started my Master of Business Administration program in the University of South Australia. I've also been promoted to join the management team as an Agency Development Officer (ADO). A challenging year awaits me now. It's a good year for investments, and also one to save a lot of money~! I'll Accept & Adapt to this tough environment, with my determination & discipline, I WILL Achieve my desire goal for the year~!!!

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