Living In Black Even The Day Has To Give Way To The Night
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Nobody - 원더걸스(Wonder Girls)

I am...
Someone who is Easy-Going, Sensative, Hyperactive & Cheerful. I like to joke around a lot, yet I can be serious when the situation arises.

Friday, February 10, 2006
During the CNY, if you were to walk on the streets or take any public transport, you would realise that you could hardly see any people around, especially during the 1st day of CNY. Although there are still a few people who had to struggle to work, like me... Anyway, that's when I ask myself something. I look around, observing at everyone, mentally asking each and everyone of them the same thing, "Where Are You Heading To...?"
It's funny how so many of us, who all came from different places with different perspectives in life, met at one point in our life. When you travelled around, it's common to see people sleeping at the bus/train/planes. One funny sight would be the whole row of passengers nodding their heads together as they continued to doze off...
Hwoever, why did I ask that question to everyone that I saw that morning~? Simply because, I believed most of them were wearing mask that day. Puzzled with what I'm saying~? Ok, please allow me to verified...
1st, there were the sleeping ones. Why did they appeared so exhausted~? Where did they go the night before, and what were they doing~? So where's the next destination for them~? When would I see them again~? Will I ever see them again~? Now, that's the big question...
Then, there were the happy looking ones. Be it while reading their magazines/newspapers, or those listening to whatever they had thru their ear-phones. Were they feeling happy~? If yes, what are you happy-ing about~? What seemed to be so ineresting to them that somehow tickled them that morning~?
The last common ones were so called the expressionless ones. These are the ones that I find most interesting. There were no tell tale signs on how that person was feeling, or even know where they would be heading to... Just like me, I was in these group of people that morning. I felt miserable to go to work during that holiday, my legs were so heavy, and my heart missed JingLin so badly... Now that I was expressionless, does anyone then knew how miserable I am~?
Maybe some people out there needed help, some might not even knew that they do. Some might be even to proud to ask for help. However my morale of this entry is... The next time when you're travelling and had nothing esle to do, why not take some time and observed the people around you, it doesn't matter if you know him/her. Just mentally ask that person, "Where Are You Heading To...?" Who knows, you'll find something interesting about him/her~! *WiNkZ*

Posted by Stanley @ 11:07 AM

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I've started my Master of Business Administration program in the University of South Australia. I've also been promoted to join the management team as an Agency Development Officer (ADO). A challenging year awaits me now. It's a good year for investments, and also one to save a lot of money~! I'll Accept & Adapt to this tough environment, with my determination & discipline, I WILL Achieve my desire goal for the year~!!!

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