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Nobody - 원더걸스(Wonder Girls)

I am...
Someone who is Easy-Going, Sensative, Hyperactive & Cheerful. I like to joke around a lot, yet I can be serious when the situation arises.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Ever notice how girls or even women would complain about how we guys were different from the former 'us'. Maybe not really complain, but at least they commented something like this. Recently this question had been bothering me greatly... Believing that my blog guests consist of mostly fine women, as compare to men since most people who tag me are the ladies, why not help me in discussing this topic... I call it The Amazing Race~!
Please note that this is going to be a hyper long entry~!
It took me 2 SOLID DAYS to complete...
Firstly, allow me to explain why do I use this phrase as the subject title. I personally take a relationship thingy as a race, be it the courtship or the honeymoon period or even the breakup, if any. Why, you may ask. Let's see...
I class courtship into 3 different segments. They are the 100 metre run, 400 metre run & lastly the Marathon run. When a guy woos a girl (let's just exclude how truthful & faithful & sincere a guy can be to simplify the discussion), there are usually 3 different ways that a guy can do it. Remember, tactics and other considerations aside first ok...! Some guys have no patience, or that they know that they don't stand any chance, or even that they are just simply don't care kind, which is why they took the 100 metre run approach. Has anyone of you ladies out there met guys who came into your life, and exit without you noticing it~? I bet you had~! See, when in a 100 metre run, competitors normally gives their best and sprint as fast as they could, we ignore those slow runners and those who didn't even know why they participate, but those who are really serious in the run gave their best, agreed~? However it's just for a while only and the race would be over. Thus we had the winner quickly, and lots of disappointed losers instantly at the same time. Let's just take the fact base on the efforts that these runners put up. They gave their best (Normally~!), but their race ended quickly... Can that explain to you ladies on why certain guys hit on girls in such a fast & furious manner, but yet they also left you alone when the "race" is over~? Maybe... However, I'm not saying that such guys are the BAD ones, or that they are just those not sincere ones. In fact, I believed that they are not the "rotten eggs" as of now, please read on to find out more~!
Next kind of courtship is the 400 metre run. How does one guy woo a girl in a 400m run approach~? Well, it's quite similar to the 100m sprint. The only difference may be the fact that it requires certain amount of planning, and the process, of course, isn't as short. A guy normally could still perform his best, or at least near his best, for a distance like this. And although the distance is much longer than the 100m run, it isn't that long that will affect a guy to maintain his top performance too. Thus in such case, it requires a guy to have a certain amount of patience & sincerity, yet at the same time gives his best over a certain period of time, in order maintain the kind of pressure. Now the problem is this, a guy that woos a girl this way has his own disadvantage too. Again, I'll touch on this later. Although this seems to be a perfect way to woo a girl, I personally think it wasn't the best yet.
Lastly is the Marathon run in courtship. In a marathon, runners not only have to do a lot of planning, but also a lot of practice & training. Experience plays a big role in this run. And of course the most important element is the staminer. All the above voice down to 2 key points that a marathon runner will take note, they are discipline & experience. So if a guy is to woo a girl using the marathon run method, I will see and suggest that he has the exact same elements of the marathon runners. Why~? Well, this method means that you take into consideration that it will be a very LONG courtship. And thus the longer the courtship, the more you gets 'tired' of the whole process, and chances are that they will be many new competitors who will use the other 2 methods to woo your targeted girl. In which they seems to be more "determined" & "sincere" than you, since they are always sprinting towards the finishing line. A lot of people might argue that why can't a guy in a marathon give his best all the way~? Well, I think here's where the human mature comes in isn't it~? Our individual life is always bumpy with many things that will always go wrong, and on top of that, bad things can happen which makes us sad. So during a longful event, how much effort can one person give & concentrate in one particular area, which doesn't promise to have a future, while ignoring the rest around him, for a long time~? For example our family, or career, or studies, or personal interest...etc... So I believed that a common answer is, never~! And for a guy that can take such a long time to concentrate on one ( I have to emphasis~!) targeted girl, he must have had many experience in handling relationships. If not, I doubt anyone will be tactful enough for this kind of run. Because, the slightest bit of carelessness will mean a bye bye forever... However, I believed that most girls will prefer a guy to woo them this way, because this way, the guy is stable & is mostly guaranteed to be sincere. No doubt this method seems even better, and most girl would hope that guy would woo their this way, it still has it's own flaw... Like being there too long, can meant that not being there at all... Or something like that~! Didn't you girls always feel that when a guy that has been there for a long time, and you treasure his friendship & all, that you're afraid to risk it for a steady relationship with him, for you know that, a good friend doesn't guarrantee a good lifetime partner...
Now I moved to the next phase of a relationship, that is being together eventually after the courtship. Also, the 3 kinds of runs still implies...
Some relationship is like a 100 metre run. It is exciting, intense, enjoyable and compacted. But however, before you knew it and it was over~! How many of you had been into this kind of relationship at least once so far~? I see many of you nodding away... So I had to presumed that you did encounter before. This kind of feeling normally stuns you, and also make you feel lost isn't it. The feeling of in doubt makes you paranoid & depress. You kept asking yourself the ultimate question, "WHY~?" Especially when that guy used the marathon or 400m approach to woo you, and you're so sure of yourself that he is sincere and that he is the one, but why does he still leave in such a short time... Headache isn't it~?
Relationship can be a 400 metre run too. I term this kind of relationship as "A Learning Experience". Such relationships meant that they never last long enough. In such relationship, both the guy & the girl learns more about himself/herself, as in what they really want, and also what they can offer for the other party. This is also a good "training ground" for people who want to set up a serious relationship, or even a family. In here, you see so much of yourself and you will notice how things change & matters to you over time. Goals & perspective changes too~! What used to be of least important can means dear to you over time, or incident. From here, a guy/girl also foresee what he/she wants in the future and thus he/she can plan and work towards that direction. Am I right so far...?
Lastly, it's the Marathon run in a relationship. This relationship is normally everlasting whereby the couple lives happily ever after *cross fingers*, or the relationship would last for quite some time. Nothing much to say for this segment since this relationship already last that long, there shouldn't be much problem. But in reality, there are sure to have problems also one, but at least not in our discussion topic today.
Now, let's compound both the courtship & relationship together... A 'fast game' occurs when the courtship & relationships use the 100 metre run method. A fling is the common term, flirt stands well here too. When a guy uses the 100 metre run method to woo a girl, normally he is more or less looking forward for a 100 metre or 400 metre run relationship. Of course, there can be exceptions, but it's going to be rare... I know some girl friends of mine who had gotten hurt by this kind of 100 metre run courtship & relationship combination. I could understand the kind of shock & hurt they have, but I have to say one thing, what do they expect from a person whom they hardly knew at all~? Well, I would say that it would be a risky bet... But what do you gals think~?
Here's the next combination, 100 metre run courtship & 400 metre run relationship. This takes a little bit of either luck or effort to happen. Firstly, when a guy uses a 100 metre run method to woo a girl, most probably he is just trying out his luck. And for a girl to accept a guy who uses the 100 metre run method to woo her, she has to be either one of the followings that I can think of... She somehow has a bit of feeling liking that guy (Be it she feels happy when he's around, or she likes the way he portray himself...etc.), or she is just trying her luck also, or she is just lonely, or lastly, she is just plain desperate. I know I sounded harsh & critical, but what are the odds here~? Please share ya... Then comes the 400 metre run relationship... The luck part was simple, they happen to find the other party to be someone near to "The One" person that he/she is looking for. Just that simple... For the effort portion, it'll be more complex. The effort that we're talking here can varies... For example, say maybe when the guy succeeded in getting into a relationship with the girl and somehow loses interest with her (Or the gal loses interest in the guy), then he (Or she) may want to end the relationship, but when she (or he) upon knowing or feeling that the end of this relationship is near, she (or he) will be more careful and try to be even better so as to avoid giving the guy (or gal) an excuse to initiate the breakup... Another classic example is when both the guy & girl get into the relationship, they (Either one party, or both) started to feel that they are not meant to be for each other, even though they feel differently during the early stage of the relationship. This is just 2 examples, there are just so many more for me to spell it all out for you, but I guess you somehow has gotten the picture.
Next is the JACKPOT combination, which I think would be impossible to happen, but still there is a chance... That is the 100 metre run courtship & Marathon run relationship. This kind of couple what we normally term as "The Fateful One". They are just meant to be for each other... A great deal of luck has to play here, as compared to effort, but still, the effort here has it's own significant figure to play and cannot be left out~!
Now moving on is the 400 metre run courtship with a 100 metre run relationship. In here, a lot of wrong judgements have to be contribute to it. A 400 metre run courtship that leads to a relationship, often means that quite a lot of considerations & efforts & tests were carried out. Although we can't see see how the future lays ahead for us, but with so many things that have been considered, there shall not be any blunder mishaps to occur, am I right~? Still, things can happen against our will at times, and we can be so wrong with our judgements too, isn't it~? Call it bad luck, be it when 2 wrong person met at the wrong place & wrong time, anything~! It's just plain fate, or else, it'll be plain fault... Do you agree~?
400 metre run courtship with 400 metre relationship is a common combination in our daily lives. We see them happening all the time around us, especially on our friends...During the courtship, certain considerations had been made. And during the relationships, certain amount of efforts were also put in... But still, it's still not enough, isn't it~? In here, the challenges that we are facing can be "time", "compromising", "efforts", "interests"...etc. So many different elements to put into considerations. Thus we often cannot make it happen in our very first relationship. To me, that's mainly because we are not experience enough, we are still searching for the real truth about this world & ourselves, and we just did not have enough fun & freedom yet. Of course, you can feel totally differently from mine. It's more of an individual thing, isn't it~? So, what's yours...?
Then here is the 400 metre courtship & Marathon relationship. I don't know about you, but I personally think that this is the ideal combination. The courtship is not short, and it is long enough for each party to know about 80% of the other party. That way, not much risk is involved in trusting the "stranger", and there are some space of hidden fantasy to explore for both parties. The relationship is also strong & long enough to make things go on happily ever after... The relationship wise is more or less the same, whereby enough efforts & compromising are to be ensured over time~! Agreed~?
Again moving on next, it's the Marathon courtship & 100 metre relationship. I won't say that it's more to bad luck, but I will say that it's more of a wrong choice. When a guy in involved in a girl's life for over too long a period of time, either the girl would not take the guy into consideration, or the feeling for him fade into near nothing over time... Then comes the time whereby the girl for some reason was so long or sad that her life suddenly becomes meaningless, but then she got to realise that the "HE" that she had been looking for had been "there" with her all along~! Lame... I know... But that's how it is., isn't it~? Somehow or rather, shortly after realising that the guy was "the one" of her life, she realised that she had made a mistake, and had mistaken accompany for love. Can that sort of thing happen~? To me, I think it can...
This is the 2nd last combination, with Marathon courtship & 400 metre relationship. I personally feel that this is quite a sad case, because it definitely hurt a lot to end a relationship after such a long time spent together, not forgetting the even longer time taken to consider the other party. This one I can only comment that fate plays the biggest & meanest joke ever, to make 2 person not compatible even though they had already taken long safe steps into a relationship. Of course, sometimes it's just plain judgement errors too. Anyway, I hope you get my point already, somehow...
Lastly~! (Finally~!) The double Marathon combination... Seems to be ideal fantasy love story for all of us, whereby both parties took the long safe steps into a relationship. And when being together, they managed to compromise, love & put in enough effort when time challenges them... A lot of elements will be taken into consideration for this combination to happen, and it's going to be so damn rare, that I think most of us had never see them before. Most probably it no longer exist in our generation, I guess...
If had read until here, I'm flattered and I would like to thank you for your time & patience. You are indeed either a true friend, or a true supporter of my blog. I had reached the end of my entry. Thank you once again. However, please share your feedbacks to me. Who knows, you might be of great help to me someday, somehow... If your feedback is going to be too long for my tagboard to handle, please mail them to ya, thank you. Your comments will be greatly appreciated~!

Posted by Stanley @ 10:30 PM

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I've started my Master of Business Administration program in the University of South Australia. I've also been promoted to join the management team as an Agency Development Officer (ADO). A challenging year awaits me now. It's a good year for investments, and also one to save a lot of money~! I'll Accept & Adapt to this tough environment, with my determination & discipline, I WILL Achieve my desire goal for the year~!!!

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