Living In Black Even The Day Has To Give Way To The Night
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Nobody - 원더걸스(Wonder Girls)

I am...
Someone who is Easy-Going, Sensative, Hyperactive & Cheerful. I like to joke around a lot, yet I can be serious when the situation arises.

Thursday, December 22, 2005
I know this isn't new for anyone of you, if you had been in the working industry for some time. Err... If anyone of you thinks that backstabbing doesn't exist, then please switch to another website now, or re-visit here some other time. Know why~? Because today, I'm gonna talk about nothing, except backstabbing.
First thing first, let's explain what's backstabbing for the benefit of those who has yet to know what is it all about. It's simple, just imagine you have this best friend whom you will turn to whenever you have any problems, and he/she is the only person that you'll share your darkest secrets with. You trust & respect him/her for all you know. Then one fine day, you realised that he/she is not what you know after all. He/She would tell people that you like to brag about you're the only person on earth with problems, and worst, he/she shares your secret with everybody~!
Ok ok, that's a bit extreme. But that's roughly how it's like. Of course the only thing is, you don't really need to be backstab by best friend only. It could be anyone, even strangers that you don't know they existed... It's so scary, because it's just so true.
Different people have different reasons when they backstab somebody, be it out of jealousy or envy or even benefits. But at the end of the day, they just want things done/happened their way.
Anyway, I'm not gonna talk about backstabbing in friendship as it's too complex. And yes, I just experienced that recently~! Well, I wanna keep it general, so I shall talk about backstabbing at work. Yes yes yes, I know a lot of you people wanna tell me about your story, so feel free to share them at my tag-board ya.
I had been seriously backstabbed recently, call it my luck. Or is it because my promotion is near. The problem is, how far can one go if all he/she has is the skill of the "silent kill". You can't escape it, especially if you're working in a big company/organisation. Why, some might ask~? Well, all I can think of is that there're just too little opportunities, but too many candidates. And they're bond to be people whom you can't get along with... And worst of all, there're these small group of small people who're suckers for promotion. And in large company/organisation, the top management are too far to see what is actually going around at the bottom, especially when they're blinded/manipulated by the middle section of supervisors. And also, let alone the massacre of the employees trapped at the bottom section.
Even the next episode of "Project Runway" is about backstabbing. So, can backstabbing be stopped. Or shall I say, prevention is already good enough~? I guess the best way to prevention is, being the good friend to everyone... Try not to miss out any episode of "Survivor" if you know what I mean. ^_^Heez~!
A gentle reminder that might save you, "Watch You Back"~! And with that, I shall end my entry. Take care peeps...

Posted by Stanley @ 11:51 PM

Monday, December 19, 2005
I guess my site is going to get boycott soon for the serious MIAs that I had been contributing to you peeps. Anyway things had been getting GREAT recently, of course, after some major SH*TS that happened. Man, where to start~? That's the problem when you don't blog for such a long time...
Well, I have to apologise 1st thing 1st for being lazy for say, months...? Sorry alright, I didn't mean it. Other than just being very busy, there's another factor. After I changed to my new computer, I realised that I don't have FrontPage program anymore, and blogging seems so difficult without it. Especially when I wanna add pictures to my entry. So if anyone of you happens to have FrontPage or DreamWeaver, do lend me. Can~? Please...
Now, a lot of my friends out there might not have known this... But I'm no longer in the Handphone Wrapping Business. Why, some might ask... Well, there're too many reasons to it. Mainly personal stuffs, so nevermind about that. Although it's just a merely 3 months business, but the lost could be relatively high. I'm not just referring to money. Sadly, money doesn't come 1st in my Lost List. Some of you guys who had known me long enough should know that. To me, money lost can be earned again. But trust lost, couldn't be bought back. So is a 'True Friend", you'll never find the same replacement in the future...
However, "lost" is not tthe only thing that I get from this business. I gain a lot of things too. Not only did I get to learn a lot of new things, I also get to see and feel things. Be it the easy way, or the hard way. Or should I say, the brutal way... However I did not regret of what that had happened, in fact, I'm glad that it happened (sounded like a quote that Winnie had used long ago in her blog), because it's a worthy lesson well learned~! *WiNkZ*
And most importantly of all, I've gotten my life back finally~! When I was in the business, I couldn't find any time for play or my family, or even sleep. Now that I'm back to normal, life feels GREAT once again. Now I can eat, sleep, rest, play and love at ease... I really treasure what I had really miss out for the past 3 months. Life had been miserable then, but I'm glad that it's finally over. ^_^Heez~! I'm also about to gain back the 5KG that I had lost over the 3 months.
One of the best thing that had happened was one of my wishes came true... If you had remembered my entry on 8th Oct 2004, I had regreted then that I didn't invite my love to the D&D. And I had promised then that no matter what happens, I'll invite her this year. Guess what~? This year round, things changed... She had went with me to the D&D. So happy that my wish could actually come true~! *sMiLe*
The Princess & Her Knight
Last topic that I'll be touching on, "Life Is So Fragile"~! Live it with love, and enjoy it while you can. Recently, 2 precious lives left this planet. One of them was young, too young. The other was dear to my love. And my grandpa was now seriously sick and is in TTSH now. Will I be losing him soon too~? I dare not think of it... See, I have a dilemma... Should we make the person we love live longer, but he/she had to bare all the suffering and will not be able to do or eat anything he/she likes. Or should we allow them to do whenever they want, but only to end his/her life in a faster pace~? What is the right choice~? And who is to determine what is right after all...? I guess the answer to that varies for every individuals...

Posted by Stanley @ 12:14 AM

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I've started my Master of Business Administration program in the University of South Australia. I've also been promoted to join the management team as an Agency Development Officer (ADO). A challenging year awaits me now. It's a good year for investments, and also one to save a lot of money~! I'll Accept & Adapt to this tough environment, with my determination & discipline, I WILL Achieve my desire goal for the year~!!!

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