Living In Black Even The Day Has To Give Way To The Night
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Nobody - 원더걸스(Wonder Girls)

I am...
Someone who is Easy-Going, Sensative, Hyperactive & Cheerful. I like to joke around a lot, yet I can be serious when the situation arises.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
My whole life, the only place outside Singapore that I've been to is Malaysia. The furthest I went & the highest I went is Genting Highlands. Know why...? Since young, my family always travel on dates that I couldn't go. Be it that it's near/during my examinations, or even popular dates which I could not take leave off my work.
However this time round, my fate had changed. Year 2007 will be the turning point of this fate. I will finally get to travel around the world to taste different food & see different culture. In fact it starts this mid November 2007.
See you there ~
Yes, I'll be going for an incentive trip to Bangkok (Thailand) from 16th to 18th November. However I have extended my trip for 2 more days, thus I'll only be back on the 20th. Do stay tune for an entry for this trip...
I'm so looking forward to this trip... *excited*

Posted by Stanley @ 11:52 AM

Friday, October 19, 2007
Friends, I have so many. I believed whoever that's reading this now has many friends too. And there are so many types of friends that one could have, but today, I'll introduce you to this very special group of friends, the Shallow "Friends". Here's how it goes...
You all make friends, be it in schools, work places, neighbourhoods, or even social gatherings... Slowly you establish a relationship which we commonly known as "Friendships". And moving on from there, we keep in touch with each other. We'll call each other up as and when, meet up for gatherings/entertainments occasionally, or even confined with each other some of our darkest secrets, thinking that they will keep that secret for you too. For all you know you trusted them, like they trusted you too... Isn't it~? And we all thought that all friendships are like that...
Then one fateful day, you decided that you wanted to embark on a different career. Especially into the Banking, Financial, Property and even Sales industry. For all you know, you are still "you". Never did you expect that some, or most, of your friends were no longer "friends" anymore... One by one started to avoid you. From not meeting up with you, to not answering your calls, and even not replying your emails or handphone messages. Some even talk to you in a manner as though you owe them something...
Does friendship take into consideration of one's occupation~? If a friend is in need of help, does he/she always meant that he/she wanted money~? Going into financial industry allows me to see how mature all my friends were. Not only that, I came to realise who are the ones whom I can truly call them FRIENDS. It doesn't mean that they had to buy any service from me in order to be my friends (Sorry I'm not that shallow~!). However, please note that... Friends will still not buy/take-up anything from you if he/she does not need/require your service, but they will NEVER avoid or treat you differently as compared to the past.
At least I get to identify my real friends early, what happen when I REALLY am in need of help urgently, and I started searching desperately for help with that little time that I have, but innocently bump into such pool of shallow people, I'll be in deep trouble.
I sincerely thank & appreciate those true friends that I have now, some of them really surprised me though (Lesson learnt: Do not judge anyone base on what you know only). That's why there's a famous saying, it takes one to know one (it takes one real friend to know another). Anyway, as for those shallow & immature "friends" that I came across in life, I really wish that somehow you get to realise what you had been doing to others; If you don't like people to treat your otherwise, don't treat people otherwise...
Take Care ~

Posted by Stanley @ 11:55 AM

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I've started my Master of Business Administration program in the University of South Australia. I've also been promoted to join the management team as an Agency Development Officer (ADO). A challenging year awaits me now. It's a good year for investments, and also one to save a lot of money~! I'll Accept & Adapt to this tough environment, with my determination & discipline, I WILL Achieve my desire goal for the year~!!!

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