Living In Black Even The Day Has To Give Way To The Night
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Nobody - 원더걸스(Wonder Girls)

I am...
Someone who is Easy-Going, Sensative, Hyperactive & Cheerful. I like to joke around a lot, yet I can be serious when the situation arises.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Hi people, I just got back home from my operation. What operation, some might ask... For those who had yet to know, it's the surgery for my wisdom teeth. According to the dentist, I had to remove 4 of them. As there are located at the 4 corners of my mouth, I was advised to remove 1 side at a time, meaning 2 teeth of the same side.
Now that the anesthetic is starting to wear off its effect, I'm starting to feel the enjoyable pain already. In fact, it's causing me to be a bit drowsy...
I guessed I shall quickly share my experience with those who are still inexperience in this. Well trust me, you're not gonna like it. Before the surgery, you will have to consult the dentist several times before you could lie on the operation table. I shall skip that, as it's of no importance~! On the date of the surgery, make sure you eat more so that you would feel hungry after the surgery. Trust me that you wouldn't have the appetite to eat, even though you're hungry afterwards. Make sure you go mentally prepared~! The anesthetic injection is the 1st terrible thing that you'll confirm encounter~! This needle is no ordinary needle, the size of it will sure make you worry... Yet this injection is is just for your gums only. *faints* Next they'll cover your whole body up, leaving only a hole just nice for your mouth. As you panic away, your greatest nightmare is just getting prepared for you. When the anesthetic takes effect, it play time. You can get to peek thru the same opening of the hole that I mentioned earlier, but I don't think you would wanna know. Imagine that the needle if already that size~! To be frank, I was trembling terribly under the sheets... Call me a chicken, pussy or even a sissy, I don't care~! I AM TREMBLING~! The pain was minimum, that I can assure you. But it's like watching a horrible movie, just that this time round, you play the victim. The sound of the saw (YES, THE SAW~!) really makes me nervous like hell~! Then the surgeon also try forcing (YES, USING FORCE~!) out your pathetic tooth. You'll be lucky if the whole tooth came off all in one piece~! If were to break, like me, then congratulations~! Why~? Because there's only little bit of tooth left for the surgeon to clip his/her instrument onto, yet there are still so root of the tooth which is still in your gums, I don't wanna say much, just use your best imagination to imagine what the surgeon will do...!
Well that's about it, nothing much to say. The cleaning up (Stitching and all) and after-care will not be of much concern if you can make it that far. Well, the pain is now killing me already. I'm so giddy already so I think I'll touch on one key point. Guys, if you are serving National Service now, or about to, or haven't served at all, then you're lucky~! According to the dentist, if I remembered correctly, if you are to have your wisdom tooth operation with the government clinics during your time of service, it will be completely paid for. You will not be paying a single cent. How's that~? But, please do confirm again with the clinics, just in case I'm wrong. Well, gotta log off now... The pain is REALLY HERE~!

Posted by Stanley @ 5:57 PM

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I've started my Master of Business Administration program in the University of South Australia. I've also been promoted to join the management team as an Agency Development Officer (ADO). A challenging year awaits me now. It's a good year for investments, and also one to save a lot of money~! I'll Accept & Adapt to this tough environment, with my determination & discipline, I WILL Achieve my desire goal for the year~!!!

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