Living In Black Even The Day Has To Give Way To The Night
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Nobody - 원더걸스(Wonder Girls)

I am...
Someone who is Easy-Going, Sensative, Hyperactive & Cheerful. I like to joke around a lot, yet I can be serious when the situation arises.

Monday, August 27, 2007
I had always been a loyal user of NOKIA handphones. I still remembered my 1st handphone ever back in 1997, the NOKIA 3210. Then the rest follows; 3310, 8250, 6230, 6230i and finally 6280. I had always like their user friendliness. Honestly I personally think that that should be what a device for a human being should be, user-friendly.
However as my expectations increases over these 10years, NOKIA failed to satisfy my expectations again and again.
One bad experience I had was the software problem when they just launched the 6230. That's why even before 1 year is up, I trade in for the 6230i. However I then trade in again for the 6280, as I was fascinated by the huge screen and of course the 2M pixel camera. Nevertheless, out of the 6 handphones I had over 10 years, all 6 of them gave me the same problem~! Call me unlucky if you wish, but it's true that the port at the bottom the phone is always giving the connection problem. Thus any ear-piece will never last me more than 2 months, so is the port of the phone. I wonder if that is common for everyone out there, but I know for sure that I am one of you~!
Thus I now finally let go of NOKIA, and had to painfully re-learn how to use another brand of handphone. Allow me to introduce to you my new handphone, SAMSUNG U700~!
Doesn't it feels good to hold one of these. . . ?
Frankly speaking, I'm still struggling to even type one simple message. However, I'm still impressed by it's sleek design, light weight, it's functions & display. I'm totally blown over by it. This handphone is by far the handphone that I like the most~! And it comes with a free
Bluetooth ear-piece too. ^_^Nice~!
Oh by the way, did I even mentioned that it's my birthday tomorrow~?!! So you friends out there know what to do eh...? Wahahaha~! ^_^Kidding only ya, just kidding~! Enjoy your day then, chao~

Posted by Stanley @ 3:09 PM

Saturday, August 25, 2007
Have you ever asked yourself why are you living on earth today~? What is your purpose of being here~? More often than not, I believed that such similar questions will hit you from time to time... Have you ever really think about it seriously before~? Well I don't know about you, but I do...
For those who had known me for a long long time, yes I meant back to the days where I was still a student, you would have heard be telling you this before, especially if you're my ex-girlfriend. I said back then, "I'm here for a reason. In fact I'm here for someone..." However I guessed I'm wrong then, NOT totally worng though, but wrong ya... I thought that I was supposed to bring meaning, or laughter, or even happiness to just a particular someone. But recently I had descovered my even bigger purpose in life. See, at first I might thought that my life should be just delicated to my parents, whereby I will bring them more joy and happiness into the family, it'll be a long goal and is still currently working on it. The came the thought that I might be the one for a girl whereby our life met at our crossroad. Then failed relastionship after relationship showed that it'll be of a much further purpose to fulfill. Luckily for me, about 3 years ago, I've finally met that special someone who by far has treated me the best other than my parents. She's Jinglin, and I hope that she IS that purpose that'll be accompnaying me for the rest of my life.
Then came my friends who I met in & outside school/work. I'm pretty sure that there are times whereby I had made a significance mark or changes in their lives. So is that all...? NO~! What about those strangers that I had bumped into...? Will I make a difference for them, or shall I say... Can I ~? YES I CAN~!!! And yes I did... For about five years that I worked as a police officer, I had came across so many different people who are in need of help. And among so many of them, I believe that there are some of them who had their life changed because we met. But it's normally always only after they had gotten themselves into trouble then I could help them. And believe me, there are so many times when I feel so terrible for them. Can I only help people only after they knew they need it~? Can't I just beat this system...? I wanted to... But can I...?
If we were talking about the me I used to be, I would have said NO. But today, I'm already a different man. The rules of the game seems to have changed also, this time I get to help people even before anything were to happen, but it doesn't mean that it will get easier for me. In fact it's even harder now...
Thus this is why the title for this entry is "The Legacy". My friends, this is my legacy, and it will be different. From now on, I look forward to helping fulfill the legacy of others. That will be my ultimate legacy...
My legacy had already started...
Will I See You At Our Crossroad Too . . . ?

Posted by Stanley @ 11:31 PM

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I've started my Master of Business Administration program in the University of South Australia. I've also been promoted to join the management team as an Agency Development Officer (ADO). A challenging year awaits me now. It's a good year for investments, and also one to save a lot of money~! I'll Accept & Adapt to this tough environment, with my determination & discipline, I WILL Achieve my desire goal for the year~!!!

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