Living In Black Even The Day Has To Give Way To The Night
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Nobody - 원더걸스(Wonder Girls)

I am...
Someone who is Easy-Going, Sensative, Hyperactive & Cheerful. I like to joke around a lot, yet I can be serious when the situation arises.

Friday, March 03, 2006
Down with 2 days MC, yet I can't feel anything worst than a call from my supervisor... Imagine you're not feeling well, one of your supervisor call you up. Not to ask if you're feeling any better, instead he/she gave you some some "medication" which you hoped that you had better died off~!
That's not what really happened to me, yet somehow quite similiar. One of my supervisor indeed call me during my sick leave, not to gave me any sort of bad medication, but just to tell me the truth in working in a BIG organisation. Know what~? If you ever tell yourself to work hard so that people will recognise/appreciate you, SCREW THAT~! Know why...? I'm one fine example...
Been working in this outstanding organisation for coming 5 years, and it's about time that I get my well deserved promotion, if there's ever any. So even though after some many shits that had happened, I continued to motivate myself to work even harder, and smarter~! For the past many months, I was normally one of the first 2 persons to reach the office, only to set everything up for my fellow colleagues so that we could get to work soonest possible. On top of that, so many damn times had I volunteered myself to be called back during my off days. Now is one of those dark times where I ask myself over & over again, "what the hell for anyway~!"
See, by coming early... No supervisors normally come early, so he/she won't know~! And your fellow colleagues ain't gonna help you advertise anything of your good faith. Right~? Then, by volunteering yourself ain't the right thing to do too, or am I wrong? See... You're the one who always volunteered yourself, no doubt your immediate supervisor knows about it, but there are sure to be one or two bad colleagues of yours who would have sore eyes of you. Thus, you became the "common emeny", and things get especially worse when it's YOUR TIME now~! They will go all out to "stab" you~! Did I say anything wrong...? Or is it just me~?
So what did my supervisor tell me~? Well, he wasn't the one whom I'm pissed with... It's the MANAGEMENT~! Why~? Here's why~! Management staff don't work day in day out with operational staffs, so how much can they know about who are really the better ones in the company~? But, they are the ones who hold the fate on everyones' promotions~! AGONY, isn't it~? Yet of all the bad things, they can be naive~! Why again~? See, they'll always go around telling people how they'll be fair to everyone, and for those who had "sacrificed" their time for work will be taken into account for, so as to motivate everyone~! Know what, my balls to them~! So damn bloody fake~!
When came to know about my medical leaves, the management questioned one of my supervisor. "What~??! Stanley MC again~?!! He like every month also MC one huh~!!!". What utter rubbish~! It had been months since I last gotten my last MC. And to think that there are also occasions where I still turn up for work even though I'm sick~! Now I ask myself again, what for~! There are people in my team who gotten MC practically EVERY DAMN MONTH, but they were not mentioned~! Not that I'm sore eyes, but it's just so F__KING NOT FAIR isn't it~?
Moral of the story... It doesn't matter how much you had contributed to the company, and it also doesn't matter if you are able to hit all your targets. Important things is still, WORK SMART~! But that's not enough~! If you're really sick, do make an effort to check it that day, whether if you can be "afforted" to be sick or not~! STUPID, you say... But at least that's how the management feels~! For one person to be sick, he/she needs to choose the correct timing~!

Posted by Stanley @ 8:17 PM

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I've started my Master of Business Administration program in the University of South Australia. I've also been promoted to join the management team as an Agency Development Officer (ADO). A challenging year awaits me now. It's a good year for investments, and also one to save a lot of money~! I'll Accept & Adapt to this tough environment, with my determination & discipline, I WILL Achieve my desire goal for the year~!!!

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